The 2024 Digital Engineering Design & Simulation Summit Announces Call for Speakers

October 24 virtual event will focus on innovations in simulation, design, digital twins, additive manufacturing, and engineering workstations.

October 24 virtual event will focus on innovations in simulation, design, digital twins, additive manufacturing, and engineering workstations.

Digital Engineering is seeking speakers for the 2024 Design & Simulation Summit. The third-annual virtual event will feature presentations led by industry experts in simulation technology, design, additive manufacturing, digital twins, and professional engineering computing hardware. The event will take place Thursday, October 31, 2024.

The 2023 conference included sessions on:

  • AI in Design for Additive Manufacturing
  • Engineering Analysis Best Practices
  • Selecting the Right Mix of Cloud, Desktop and HPC Compute Resources for Engineering
  • Digital Twins for Smaller Companies
  • Standardized Requirements Writing

Presenters included representatives from Carnegie Mellon University, McGill University, TRAK Machine Tools, Ozen Engineering, and DeepSoft.

For the 2024 Design & Engineering Summit, Digital Engineering is looking for engineers, designers and other end users, as well as consultants and other experts that can talk about key issues centered around CAD, simulation, generative design, digital twins, additive manufacturing, prototyping, engineering computing, cloud-based simulation, and related topics.

Presenters will work with Digital Engineering’s editorial team to prepare their presentations.

Speakers interested in participating in the 2024 Design & Simulation Summit can submit applications here. Presentations are due by Friday, May 17, 2024.

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